A stone, cold-weight on the shoulder
A path is worn by many before
So many lay broken beside the path a testament to their failure,
To each on the path- His own burden
Crushing him as he treads the formidable heights.
Few wish to go on, many desire freedom.
Many cannot bear breaking back, their own… or the agonizing cries of others.
The Watcher stands, seeing the sorrow of man,
His heart breaks for the poor souls,
He bends down and whispers,
Tell me, weary traveler,
Why do your feet fail?
Why does your head hang heavy?
Listen to my wise words,
Lift your head to hear mercy,
You must seek a new a lighter burden,
You must find your heart again,
Remember the cause that drew you to this burden,
Go back to the bottom of the hill and find your soul
Rest for tomorrow is a new day
And the weight will be lighter.
Duty is not to be this heavy!
Free your self to serve with your heart
For a righteous duty is worth the cost.